It is very important for all restaurants to get associated with a company which will help them in cooking oil filtration, hood cleaning and waste oil collection. These three steps are immensely important in the running of a restaurant. The services undertaken by an oil servicing company are given below:-
- Cooking Oil Filtration
- Exhaust Hood Cleaning
- Waste Oil collection
With the help of cooking oil filtration, the restaurants are able to cut down their cost by more than 50 percent. This helps in the increase of profitability of the restaurants. This service also includes the washing of fryers and also the safe transportation of greased oil to the dumster.
Exhaust hood cleaning is a government mandated service which all restaurants have to undertake in order to run their business. They have to do this hood cleaning service four times a year failing which they have to shut down their business. The services which are under taken by a good company are listed below:-
- Filter cleaning
- Duct & access panel cleaning
- Fan blade cleaning
- Air balancing
- Exhaust hood system cleaning
- Roof grease pad changing
- Fan belt change
- Roof top make-up-air filter cleaning
- Drive through pressure washing
Waste Oil collection is a process by which the waste oil used the restaurants is collected and then this wasted oil is used as a bio diesel fuel. The services included in this process are given below:-
- They will collect your waste oil
- They will pay you top dollar
- They will supply their own tank
- There will be no charge for piping to be able to dump the waste oil right from your kitchen.
But when choosing a company, to perform the above services, it is important that you choose the best Clean Fry Company in Sanford. It should be a well-known name in the market of Clean Fry USA.