Monday, 23 January 2017

How to Use Oil Filtration Machine?

Restaurant owners can expanse their oil usage if they opt for oil filtration. Among the most essential services for restaurants the cooking oil filtration is the most important service as it helps restaurants to provide healthy, hygienic and tasty fried foods.

To stay at the top of the list restaurants often opt for Cooking Oil Filters in Sanford. In that case they also want to hire reliable cleaning companies that can provide cooking oil filtration services, oil micro-filtration machine and hood cleaning services. But before hiring a company people should carefully enquire about them and they should try to know whether the company is capable of offering high quality services as well as best quality machines.

How to filter cooking oil?

Also people who buy Cooking Oil Filtration Machine, they should know how it works. Otherwise they might not be able to filter cooking oil by using those machines. If restaurant owners have to opt for an annual cooking oil filtration service they may have to pay a lot of money to the cleaning company. But if they buy oil filtration machine they will be able to get lots of profit as buying this kind of machine is one time investment. Restaurant staffs can filter cooking oil on their own by using this machine. These below mentioned steps will help them to understand how to filter cooking oil:
•    If they are using the machine for several days they need to replace the old filter with a new one.
•    Now they need to screw in the tube to remove oil from the fryer and then they should plug in the machine.
•    Next slowly and carefully release valve to drain the fryer and then close the valve once empty.
•    Now carefully pump the oil back into the fryer after cleaning the inside of the fryer.

This way restaurant staffs can easily filter the cooking oil more than once and this will help them to keep their foods tasty and healthy.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Tips and Tricks for Keeping Commercial Fryer Oil Free

Whether one has gained expertise in cooking fried food or one is just a beginner in commercial food business, keeping commercial dryer free from oil is indeed a herculean task. The reason is simple. A dryer full of oil and dirt hampers the quality of food, kitchen efficiency and so on. In any business, customer satisfaction is given the top most priority and unclean kitchen and bad food quality will annoy the loyal customers and damage the business reputation. In the long run, the business profit margin will deteriorate to a large extent.

Want a remedy for this problem? Here are a few tips that you should follow to keep cooking fryer in good shape.

Go for deep cleaning

One of the challenging aspects of cleaning commercial fryer is to keep it clean from to time.  If kept unclean for long time, grease and other toxin materials can be piled up that may even lead to fire hazard. Deep cleaning is what is required in case of heavy oil accumulation. Instead of shouldering the burden to clean the dryer, it is advisable that one should hire a proficient Clean Fry Company in Sanford

Changing oil is a must

Follow a simple rule. Avoid frying food with old oil. It is a proven fact that old oil it often gives bitter taste to all the fried foods you cook. When oil looks black as well as smoky, it is a clear sign that one should change oil immediately. Don’t make the mistake to use the same oil again and again to save money. After all, health is wealth and one should not ruin it at any cost. Get rid of old oil and stay fit and healthy.  

Change filter at the right time 

Look after the aspect of oil filtration as it is the best way to keep food debris and other toxic substance at bay. Make sure that the oil is filtered at least one or two times every day. For guidance on Clean Fry USA one can take help of a dry fry cleaning profession. Clean up the fryer and serve the customers with fresh and tasty food like never before.